Bye Bye Kami-  Here’s How to Get Rid of Kami!

This will not apply to everyone (and you may have never even heard of Kami), but if you can relate to this doomed, little love story… check it out….

Kami…. We had a great start… You were a wonderful annotation app that many of us added to our Chrome browsers and used faithfully!  But then… one day…it all stopped!  Soon, there was a pop-up after pop-up… insisting that we upgrade to the paid version!  And now, you make it hard to view my docs, slides, and pdfs!!  You have gone too far, Kami- it’s time to go!~

How to Remove Kami

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Google Certifications- Go for it!

Google offers several certifications for teachers and I’d like to encourage everyone to check them out!

Why?  Certifications are a great way to learn about current information, network with others, and share resources (they also looks great on a resume and employers do look for them!).  Badges and certificates show that you are prepared to help others earn their certifications.  Most of all- it helps us give our students the skills they need to be a 21st century learner.

Certified Educator, Levels 1 and 2:  This is the place to start!  These certifications show intermediate and advance skill levels on the Google tools.  The district will reimburse everyone who passes the Level 1 exam ($10.00) and sometimes I can get waivers for those taking the Level 2 exam ($25.00) so ask me before you take it.  I also have study guides and am willing to lead review groups or 1:1 help.   The Level 2 Certification is prerequisite for Trainer or Innovator.

Google Trainer:  This certification is those who train others on Google tools and/or who would like to join the Trainer group.  This is an awesome group of people around the world who help each other with training resources and solutions.  Anyone is welcome to apply!

Google Innovator:  Google Innovator is a year-long program for teachers to develop an idea that could make a change in education.  It could be anything and doesn’t have to be grounded in technology.  There are 4-5 cohorts offered each year.  This year, the only US cohort was held in Washington DC and it took place last week.  37 teachers were selected from Canada and the US (and I’m honored to one of them)!  My project looks at gender bias and equity in elementary classrooms, especially in the STEM subjects (I’ll share more on that later!).  Anyone is welcome to apply to any cohort around the world (but  keep in mind that participants are responsible for paying for their transportation and hotel.  Google will provide all the great food once you get there!).

How do I get started? 

-If you’re new to Google tools, start by dabbling in the OUESD Tech Adventures Challenge

-Once you have some basic knowledge, go the Google Certification Page and explore the Training Center

-When you ready to take the Level 1 Exam, sign up for the exam account (and please enter my Google Trainer ID number- 04741– if I have helped at all in your Google growth).  If you have taking the Level 2 exam, email me to see if I have some fee waivers handy.

-Whenever you pass any exam, please email me so we can all celebrate together (and I’ll make your physical badge!)

If you have any questions at all, please just let me know!  Google isn’t the only one who offers certifications, so keep your eyes open for certifications and badges as you explore all kinds of learning apps.

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Google Classroom Updates

Great, great news!!  Now you can:

  • Reorder your classes on the home page (just drag and drop in any order you prefer)
  • View all of your student’s work on a single page (instead of having to look through each assignment)
  • Use decimal grades to award partial points (9.5 is now an option!)
  • Display the class code in full-screen (which makes it 100% easier for students to see the code to join the class)
  • Transfer class ownership to another teacher (great feature if another teacher takes over a class)
  • Switch between Classroom and other G Suite apps with the App launcher (time saver!)


Note:  This is the time of year when Google will be rolling out many updates to its G Suite products (Docs, Slides, etc.).  They will usually include a pop up explaining the update, so watch out for them and read them (don’t just ignore the pop ups).  Remember, many of these updates are done because of teacher feedback.  So, if you have suggestions, please use the Google Feedback button to make your voice heard!

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