Have Some Winter Fun with These VERY COOL Google Lessons by Eric Curts

Build a SnowmanUsing Google Slides, students can easily create an awesome snowman and then write about it.

Check out the complete instructions here, or use the templates below and explore!  (You may need to open the template and make a copy, then share that copy with students).

Build a Snowman Template

Build a Snowman Template 2 (Snowman doesn’t move, may be easier for younger students)


Wintertime Magnetic Poetry–  Just share this Google drawing link with your students so they can drag and drop the “magnetic” words to create winter wonderland poetry (just like we used to do on the fridge!).  View the complete instructions here, or just the explore the template- Wintertime Magnetic Poetry Template Link  (You may need to open the template and make a copy, then share that copy with students).

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More Fun with the Google Omnibar (aka, the address bar or URL bar)….

When using the Chrome browser, we all know that we can search the internet with the Omnibox (not the Search bar, I’m talking about the address bar way up top).

And many people know that we can also set a timer, get translations, find equivalents, get weather reports, and solve math problems in the Chrome Omnibox too!

But did you know you can also do these things in the Google Chrome Omnibox?

  1. Enter “Flip a Coin” in the Omnibox and Google will “flip a coin” and share results (great way to study probability or pick between two options!)

  1. Enter “Roll a Die” and see the results!  Great for probability, playing games, and more!

  1. Enter “Spinner” and see a number spinner (you can adjust from 2-20 numbers) or a fidget spinner!  The number spinner is great for probability, calling on students, games, or more!  The fidget spinner is great for fun!  🙂

  1. Enter “Number Generator” and Google will select a random number (you set the min. and max. number).  Great for probability, calling on students, games and more!


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Google Updates- Drive, Revision History and Suggested Edits

There has been some confusion about a recent Google Announcement, but let me reassure you~ GOOGLE DRIVE is NOT disappearing!  🙂  Google is retiring the Google Drive Sync App (that stays on a PC desktop), but nothing about Google Drive will change (it will still be accessible at drive.google.com from any device, anywhere).

Now, under the Version History (formerly called Revision History), users can name the versions (pretty awesome when you’re working with a group and want to designate “Draft 1” or “Final Draft”).  Click here to more details about the Revision History updates!

When viewing Suggested Edits, users can now determine if they want to accept (or deny) all suggestions at all once (rather than reviewing each, individual suggestion).  Click here for more details about the Suggested Edits updates!

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